Where is Fairuz?

No matter what is going on around me, I always find solace in the timeless music of the Rahabni Brothers and the angelic voice of Fairuz.
To many Lebanese she is the vocal embodiment of Lebanon.
There is always some song in her endless repertoire that speaks to our mood; sad, happy, nostalgic, love-struck or heart-broken.
She gives us hope. She gives us strength. She gives us confidence in a better tomorrow.
Why hasn't she been seen or heard in this past week? If she'd only make an appearance now (somewhere, anywhere) I am sure that many Lebanese would remember what is truly at stake here. She's could be a million-man march all on her own...
I wish I could sing for you and make you feel better... but I'm afraid I sound truly awful! :S
I am a 54 year old woman who was in Lebanon 35 years ago for 5 months and I still remember Fairuz singing!! Where is she now? Beirut really was a wonderful place if a little decadent!! I wish you all the very best for your future and that of your people. In shallah.
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